Week 9 – Harder than you think – MKMMA

I am not sure what black Friday is, it seems to be a North-American holiday that has reached our European shores and taken us by storm. I could of course have googled it, but as so many shops, providers, great or apprentice salesman tried to make me buy stuff, I decided otherwise 🙂


I give thanks

I have a lot of reasons to be grateful, besides the obvious: I am alive and healthy, I have family and friends around me and recently even strangers -or should I say future friends-have shown appreciation for my existence.

I would also like to thank my fellow travellers on the greatest adventure for reaching out to me. Several Key-friends have shared such sweet comments and reacted on my two cents. People say it easily, but I mean it for shizzle when I say: I appreciate it so much when all of you (you know who you are!) lend a virtual hand.

A special shout out to my guide Charlotte, you always have great advice, give so much… and then some!

Do I have to say it (write it)? Know that I have got your backs too, I am here for all of you(s.e).

We are not at the oscars

I knew that! But even so. I believe it needs to be said. I have never heard anyone receive an award and say how difficult making a film has been, or how one day it had been raining cats and dogs or how acting was fun but torture at the same time 🙂

I have come far enough to know that I can take the heat and I am staying in the kitchen. No slacking for me this week. If anyone cares to join me on a 7 day special quotes challenge, flip a coin (or just comment below). I am happy to discuss favourite/deep/mind-boggling/… quotes from Haanel, Og, Emerson or other members of the blueprint posse!

Love, shanti and hugs for all!  And to quote one of my favourite Flavor Flav lyrics:

Thank you for letting me be myself!




13 thoughts on “Week 9 – Harder than you think – MKMMA

  1. Amazing Najet..
    A lot has truly happened already 🙂
    And thank you for your kind words.. 🙂
    It could be fun though if the actors started sharing the real deal LOL
    I’m really glad that you want to stay in the kitchen, it’s like the saying ‘when you get lemon, learn to make lemonade’. Here you should just say ‘when you get heat build a sauna’ 🙂 and ‘hells kitchen’ will be a fun place.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Najet,
    I love what you are saying! I see your persistence. I feel your passion for the course. What you are doing is not gone unnoticed. It’s so great that you are getting what Marks saying in the webinars. Keep up the good work!

    MKE Certified Guide


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